
Murdocx2D story Ch. 61

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~~~Two weeks later~~~

    "Murdoc..! I really don' wanna do vis. Please.." He wriggled in the passenger seat. The bassist sighed and looked at 2D for a moment before focusing on the road once more. "Y'know..I actually delayed BOTH of our flights just cus you didn't want to get up so early. Don't you fuckin' dare tell me to not go. Noods and Russ are ALREADY there waiting for us, probably stuffing their faces with Jamie at a diner or something."  That reminded the singer. "...Can we go get somefing to eat?" He was focused on the toddler in the back, who was at that moment bouncing up and down in her car seat. "..." The older man sighed. "SURE. Why not be more late than we already are?!"  He sped down the highway, growling. "Uh.." The singer gulped and seemed to curl up in his seat. "I'll take vat as a no ven.."  He closed his eyes and put a hand over his stomach, sighing. "Mama. Mama." He straightened up and turned his head to look back at Lucinda. "I'm 'ere, Luci." He smiled some, trying to hide how bad he felt.   She leaned forward in her seat, trying to reach for the singer. "Mh!"  2D chuckled and reached over, tapping her nose. "Luv, you have to wait until we get to the airport!" Her bottom lip jutted and she whimpered, then she opened her mouth and pointed to it. "Oh..Yer 'ungry.." He still smiled though. "Don' worry, Lucinda..we'll be vere in no time and I'll feed ya." She watched him for a moment and then smiled. Understood.

   Having had difficulty parking, the bassist gets everything done and completed while 2D goes into the airport, heading to the food court, Lucinda in arms. "Alright. You want some fries, sweetie?" He laughed, heading right to the McDonald's attached to the airport. "Mh." He set her down while he pulled out his credit card, placing his order. The cashier soon recognized him and started praising him for his work in Gorillaz. He laughed and took time to write out an autograph and smiled at her when she went in back to hurry the order along. Looking down, his smile disappeared. Lucinda was gone. "...W-..N-No!" Whirling around, he nearly bumped into Murdoc with enough force to knock him down. "Gh..Watch it, D." He kept his angry appearance in public, holding Lucinda in his arms.  "You can't take yer eyes off her, moron." The cashier look between the two and then at Lucinda. "...She looks like both of you...why?" 2D smiled and opened his mouth, but Murdoc slapped a hand over it and took charge. "I lost a bet and he dyed her hair blue. I figured since it didn't hurt her, it was okay." 2D glared at him and took his hand off his mouth. "W-" The woman handed the singer a bag and smiled. "Here's your order, sir."  He looked at the bag and then back at Murdoc. Holding in his anger, he took it and thanked the cashier. Murdoc was already on his way to the port. "W-Wait!" He started running, having to slow down due to his stomach. "Hn.." He did manage to catch up, only because the bassist had stopped. "Ya got yer shite?" 2D adjusted his backpack and nodded. "Russ And Noods took va equipment, right?" Murdoc shrugged. "Prob'ly." Murdoc rose his free hand and listened to the announcement. "Our flight's been called, D. C'mon." He carried Lucinda to the gateway, showing his boarding pass to the agent, being ok'd to enter. 2D did the same and his pass was scanned, allowing him access. Soon, they both were entering the plane and looking for their seats. Murdoc set Lucinda down on the third seat in between his seat and 2D's, starting to put their luggage away above them. "This'll be a long flight..." He murmured as he sat back down. 2D smiled and opened his bag of food. "At least we 'ave first class, Muds." He smiled a goofy grin, having forgotten about Murdoc's lie earlier.


Jolting up from his seat, 2D looked around and noticed that the plane was in motion and all was calm. Looking across the walk, he saw that the row across from his was empty, as was the entire right side of the plane. Turning to his left, he frowned when he didn't see Lucinda or Murdoc sitting in the seats next to his. "Wot.." This wasn't right. Where were they?! The singer looked out the window and nearly yelped. The sky was a dark red and the clouds were black. "Wot's goin' on?!" The plane began to shake violently. His head turned and he looked down the aisle, a shadowy figure in the middle of it. "Gah!" Before he knew it, the figure was right in front of him in the blink of an eye. It picked him up without struggle and carried him to the middle of the plane. "Wot are ya doin?! PUT ME DOWN!" He kicked and wriggled, trying to break free." Hearing something turning, 2D looked to see the figure opening the door of the plane. "WOT?! NO!"  A rush of wind withered up the singer's spine. Without hesitation, he was thrown out.
"Stu. Stu...For fuck's sake. Wouldja wake up?!" Murdoc whispered harshly, having been shaking 2D's shoulder for 10 whole minutes. "I'm never lettin' him eat McDonald's ever again." He muttered. Lucinda felt a twinge as well as a pop in her ears. "Ehh.." Murdoc looked down at her and sighed. "Shite..Here we go.." Soon, she was crying and whimpering in what sounded like pain. "STUART. Wake up!" He slapped 2D across the face, the slap echoing throughout the plane. "AHH!" 2D gasped as he awoke, face covered in a cold sweat. "W-Wot 'appened..-- Lucinda baby.." He ignored the pain in his cheek and picked up his daughter, rocking her in his arms. "Shh..shh.." The dream was still fresh on his mind, but he had other things to worry about. "It's a'right.." The toddler sniffled and rubbed her eyes. "Mama." She gripped at 2D's shirt, her hearing going back to normal. "Vere we are.." He looked at Murdoc and sighed. "'ow long was I out..?" The bassist growled and lifted his sleeve to look at his watch. "Oooh. About an hour!" He sounded so angry. "Wot's wrong..?" Murdoc scoffed. "Lucinda wouldn't stop whinin' and I didn't know how to shut her up."  The younger man's eyebrows lowered and he scowled. "Well. Maybe she's afraid of flyin'. She's not used to it jus' yet. She's still a baby! Wot's YOUR problem? You've been pissed for no--" He looked down at Lucinda and cleared his throat before continuing. "No stinkin' reason!" They both glared at each other for what seemed liked hours.


It had been 2 hours since the two band member had stopped talking to each other. Finally, Murdoc sighed. "Can ya still dance?" 2D looked at him and rose an eyebrow. "Of course I can. I may be a little..'chunky' but I can still move like I used to." Lucinda started toddling around the airport. 2D didn't really have much objection to it considering there weren't that many people in there to begin with. "Hn.." He grumbled, rubbing his back. "I'm so faaaat" Murdoc scoffed. "Fat? Yer not fat." The singer huffed and glared at him. "Ven why are ya gonna photosh-" He stiffened when Murdoc put his hands on his shoulders. "If ya don't wanna do it, then we don't gotta, D."  2D was about to answer, when his phone rang. Opening his phone quickly, he smiled. "Noodle! W-Wot? Oh yeah. We're 'ere. At va airport. Ya talked to Jamie. Settin' up?...Wot..Yeah! I'd love too!" He lifted his head up. "Noodle wants to go sight seein' wif me, Jamie said we 'ad a little bit of time." Murdoc grumbled and shrugged. "Go right ahead." 2D laughed and looked around, spotting Lucinda toddling to the escalator. "Oh..!" He rushed over, picking her up. "Wee!" She giggled in delight, thinking it was a game. "C'mon, luv. Let's go." Murdoc practically out the door already, not even really waiting for the singer. "WAIT. Noodle said she was gonna bring a taxi up vis way!" The backpack slapped his back as he started running towards the exit, Lucinda in arms. "Grr..! Muds!" Once he was outside, the singer looked around the parking lot. "..." Murdoc was gone. Why..why did he leave him there?!

He was left fuming there in the airport parking lot for what seemed like an hour when he heard a car honk. "..Wot.?" He turned to see a oddly colored taxi coming over to his side. "Noodle!" 2D saw her through the tinted glass and felt relief wash over him. Lucinda clapped her hands, chanting. "Noo. Dle. Noo. Dle." The guitarist stepped out of the taxi, a camera dangling around her neck. "...Did Murdoc leave you here?!" Even with all that hair over her eyes, she seemed shocked and royally pissed. "Get in. We're going to go explore the sights." Lucinda was put in the back first, then, he crawled in. "Sorry..ehe.." Noodle smiled. "Don't be, 2D. You are not as heavy set as Murdoc has let you believe." The singer felt his face grow warm. "Gee..fanks." He smiled and set his backpack on the floorboard. "We gonna go see cities first? Or nature?" Lucinda picked up the camera from Noodle's neck, lifting it to look at her. "..." Noodle smiled and snapped a picture of her quickly. "Oohh." The infant heard the shutter sound and looked around the device for the cause of the noise. "Wah." The vocalist laughed and sighed. "Vis video is gonna be a 'assle wif all vat photoshop nonsense.." Noodle looked at him. "Don't worry too much about it, alright? They have hired professionals to do this." She smiled, trying to cheer him up. "Let's just enjoy the time we can." Stuart nodded, sticking his tongue out. "A'right. Let's do it!" The three started off on an adventure full of pictures, food, and fun. -Mainly food~-

While all this was happening, Murdoc had taken a cab and made his way over to the nearest bar, needing time away form everything. Time to get drunk.
Bah humbug

I dunno if the photoshop thing was a good idea. Oh well
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Metalheadbabe50's avatar
Murdoc is such a douche!